Christ Community Church of Lake Charles
THE STORY #23: Jesus' Ministry Begins

In this message, we learn of the life of Jesus. We learn about the impression of Christ's ministry on our lives and on our world. We begin understanding why Jesus was baptized. It was an announcement of Christ's ministry. This was the light bulb moment for the people because they heard the word of the Lord claiming Jesus as His Son. Not only that, it was a foreshadowing of His resurrection and our redemption. In baptism, we enter into the watery grave and we are raised into a new life. In this message, we also learn of how Jesus' ministry was "scary good." Pastor Rick mentions numerous verses that show how Christ's ministry was "scary good." Christ never fluctuated from God. When the devil tried to tempt Him, He focused on the Lord. Jesus has come to destroy the work of the devil and has come to reunite the people. Continue listening to learn about the "scary good" ministry of Jesus Christ.

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Category:Message -- posted at: 11:18am CDT

THE STORY Podcast #22

Pastor Rick McClain and Lonnie Phelps discuss THE STORY chapter 22, "THe Birth of the King". The following are the questions they will be discussing:

  1. Jesus is described in several ways in John 1:1-14. Which do you find to be the most meaningful and why? Examples: the Word, the Light, the one and only Son, the Creator, the Life, and the One who brings grace and truth.
  2. Jesus was born of a virgin and conceived without sin. Why does this matter? 
  3. In the Lower Story, Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem to be counted in the census; it was a hard 3 day journey for someone 9 months pregnant. And the Upper Story, God was giving them to Bethlehem because that is where the Messiah was to be born. Do you recall an event in your life that seemed inconvenient and unnecessary, only to look back later and realize that God was doing something greater than you knew at the time.
  4. Jesus is Immanuel, “God with us.” How does this name become central to the Christmas story? How does it help to know that he is with us all the time?
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:27pm CDT

THE STORY #22: The Birth of the King

In this message, we read and hear about the entrance of Jesus Christ into the world and into our lives. We see the impact of Jesus Christ on the lives of others including Joseph and Mary. We begin understanding the familiarity of Jesus Christ in the entire Bible. Was it God there who fought against Jacob? Was God there with Joshua when they faced a warrior of the Lord? Who was with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they were thrown in the fire? Jesus is our absolute certainty of eternal life. We do not face complications in our lives because of the presence of Christ, but rather it's the absence of Him in our life that cause these complications. We need to learn that He doesn't come with a long list of things for us to do to get our act together, but He comes because we cannot get our act together without Him.

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Category:Message -- posted at: 1:09pm CDT

THE STORY Podcast #21

In this podcast, Pastor Rick McClain interviews Rebekah Kelley all the way from South Korea. Find out more about her journey and also dig deeper into the transition from the Old Testament into the New Testament. The passage will come out of the "Rebuilding the Walls" chapter in The Story.

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:23am CDT

THE STORY #21: Rebuilding The Walls

In this message, we read and hear about the Israelites return back to Jerusalem. Thousands among thousands make the journey back to worship in the newly built temple. Nehemiah, an Israelite living in Susa, heard from his brother that there were no walls protecting the temple and that made it susceptible to attack by surrounding nations. Nehemiah wept and prayed that the wall would be rebuilt because attack was not uncommon like we saw in the rebuilding of the temple. Nehemiah makes his way to Jerusalem where he told the officials and priests the plan to rebuild the wall. After fifty-two days the wall was rebuilt. The nation of Jerusalem came together to protect the temple and the people of Jerusalem. Nehemiah gathered all the Israelites and Ezra read to them the book of Moses. The people began weeping because they realized how far they had fallen from God's ways. Ezra stopped them and instructed them to return to God's ways. Malachi came and warned the people of what would happen if they turned from God's ways and reminded them of God's promise to bless Israel and use them to bless the world. Do you need to align your life with God's ways? Allow God to work through you and you too will bless the world.

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Category:Message -- posted at: 4:09pm CDT

THE STORY #20: The Queen of Beauty and Courage

In this message, we hear about the story of Esther. She was crowned queen by king Xerxes because she, out of the numerous other women brought before him, was the most beautiful. Esther, by her father Mordecai's command, kept the fact that she was an Israelite from the king because of the possible outcomes. So alongside Esther becoming queen, king Xerxes appointed Haman to the highest position possible in the region. He led the king to create a law to kill the Israelites in the region because they do not obey the king's laws. In hearing this, Esther went before the king and asked him to have a banquet and made it clear that Haman should be present. At this banquet, Esther revealed before the king and Haman that she was an Israelite and that the king should save her people. The king ordered for Haman to be arrested and killed. He wanted the Israelites to be safe and protected in his region. Esther was obedient to God and stood up for His people. We need that same obedience. We need the characteristics of Esther and we cannot accomplish anything unless we are right with God.

Direct download: THE_STORY_20_-_The_Prophets.mp3
Category:Message -- posted at: 12:22pm CDT

THE STORY Podcast #18

Pastor Rick McClain interviews Christ Community Church's nwe staff member Pastor Rocky East. Listen and find out more about Pastor Rocky East and both Rick and Rocky will discuss THE STORY chapter 19 "The Return Home".

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:14pm CDT

THE STORY #19: THe Return Home

In this message, we see the rebuilding of the temple. The Israelites are returning back to their home once again. The Israelites then begin the rebuilding process of the temple, laying the foundation and giving sacrifices to God. However, we learn of the trials they faced, the sabotage, of other countries that slow down and eventually halt the work on the temple. We learn, in this message, how the Israelites finally returned to rebuilding the temple and how we can return to the "Big Thing" God has for our lives. We learn how to make God's priorities our priorities.

Direct download: THE_STORY_19_-_Prophets.mp3
Category:Message -- posted at: 5:57pm CDT